APPLE update IOS6.1 to those used today

Apple has released iOS6.1 to iOS devices, Apple's family, now all iPhone, iPad and iPod were updated to be universal. The new capabilities of iOS6.1 is supported by major network LTE, Siri can buy a ticket to see the movie and adds the ability for users to Sync with iTunes Match portion of iCloud has made available for download. The song has already been through iCloud.
Then I would have to fix the bug, some parts of the Sync that some people have a problem, and the country has also benefited from the way Apple is opened, the user can use the keyboard Thailand and 3. 4 rows or both. Users who do not like the keyboard 4 rows can be returned to the use of the third row, but the original has already been done.

For updates can be done via iTunes or via the OTA update the thread

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