The analysis revealed a number of Facebook users through a mobile app

Benedict Evans, an analyst with independent data collection and analysis, the number of Facebook users through portable devices such as tablets and smart phones. The statistics from this year until September. The points of interest are as follows.ios9, ios

  •  The number of Facebook users is 1.04 billion people, only 604 million people using their portable devices.
  • 604 million people in about 470 million active users access Facebook via a mobile app through the rest of the mobile web (which you can specify the user).
  • Of the 470 million mobile app users are divided into groups of around 175 million people, the Android iOS share a 140 million people use the iPhone on the iPad and another 45 million people.
  • Facebook users through BalckBerry has less than 60 million unique users with feature phones (75 million people).
  • Number of users with Nokia and Windows Phone as to whether or not significant.
  • Evans also pointed out that there are about 40% of the Android devices through a mobile app, a Facebook application written in HTML5 because of the quality in the first place is not good enough. It seems to be the right decision at the Facebook team to develop a native app, which is developing continuously. It enables users to use Android mobile app even more.
  • For those interested in more detailed information visit the website of Evans.